Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Don't write Greek in your blog posting. Turns out, it won't post.

Imagine a nice long post here about Prague, the Acropolis, Susan materializing from a big hole, Mousaka, GalactoBureka, Retsina, and being stranded on the remains of the largest explosion in recorded history which possibly wiped out the Minoan Empire in 1650 BC. (Santorini)

Ok, I will write a bit more. After my initial blunder out of Stockholm I have picked up pace and quickly fallen back into a travelling flow. I spent a great night in Prague, drinking mulled wine and walking the scenic streets with a group of Americans and a Canadian. Hopped my flight transfer and ended up in Athens in the middle of the night. The weather is cool, but its been sunny, and Greek life seems energetic. The sites are fantastic. Christmas was spend gorging on delicious food, and the funny thing about Greeks is, even if you try to stop eating they keep brinking you food for free. Well, at least on Christmas.

This time around I'm truly travelling light. I've switched to the small black backpack Ryan gave me on the day I left for Tokyo. Just a few things to carry and a terrific increase in freedom.

We've since taken the ferry to Santorini a scenic, but turbulent blip of land with an active Volcano in the center of an incredible caldera. Turns out you have to plan for the wind around here. The seas are too rough to leave today. So another day of improving my dawning understanding of the Greek Alphabet. Imagine my bliss today as I had a moment of epiphany as I read the sign above my hotel room door.

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